“Gawgela” – Google it

Nowadays, Google has become your first instinct to search for something. You no longer say “search” online but rather say Google it, to the extent that the term has become an official verb in the Oxford English Dictionary.
Whether you want to look up a new business, or surf the web Google has it all. More than 90% of the market around the world is dominated by Google, making it an important search tool for businesses and individuals. Then again, does it really give you the information you need, or do their algorithms have the power to exert repetitive influence over the information we access? Can it be the reason behind the success or failure of a business, or even an individual’s reputation?

Google is king
Google is king

Google’s co-founder, Larry Page, described Google as the “perfect search engine, that understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want”. Any question that might pop up, Google has the answer. It stores huge amounts of data that can be reached within seconds.
Google provides businesses with many tools that help boosting it and allowing it to appear in top ranks. Whether with the use of Ad Words, Shopping Campaigns, or even YouTube Ads, the more a business places a certain budget, the more it appears. Hence the more influence Google has on a user’s search. Without the right keywords, you’re as good as appearing on the 4th or 10th page, and who knows, you might not even appear at all.
As is with Search Engine Optimization (SEO), content is king. Google doesn’t simply depend on its Ads to rank you among the top, but instead it uses its bots to tackle website content, pages, back links as well as meta-tags. It wanders across every line of code to find if it’s suitable or not, and whether it’s fit to be on its top searches.

Search Engine Optimization

It’s true, we do depend heavily on Google. It has made our searches smarter and faster. Just like it helps businesses find customers, it allows customers to find businesses, but with a bit of fine tuning.
Google’s Guru of Search – Ben Gomes, said that “The perfect search is giving you what you were looking for. Not just the words you typed – but what you were actually looking for.“
At Greynab, we understand your core business, as well as your key audience, which enables us to better communicate. Whether we’re developing your website or developing an SEO strategy; our team will increase traffic to your website, deliver the right keyword search, undergo strategized PPC advertising driving right to the top of search engine rankings. This is today known as Inbound Marketing.

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“Gawgela” – Google it

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